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About us

  • 2022

    ● Won the title of national "Little Giant" enterprise

    ● Launch of XG(S) PON product

    ● Won the title of Hubei province manufacturing industry champion enterprise

  • 2021

    ● Be awarded "Specialized New Small Giant" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

    ● Launched smart playground and all-optical hospital solutions to help national education and healthcare policies come to fruition

    ● Launched multi-card joint control system for public security fraud prevention center

    ● GPON OLT and M2-0100 were certified by Anatel of Brazil

  • 2020

    ● Overseas branches gained more than 10,000 subscribers and overcame the impact of the epidemic, as ISP

    ● Be awarded the "Science and Technology for Economy 2020" project by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the "Key R&D Program (First Batch) Project 2020" of Hubei Province

  • 2019

    ● Set up Ghana subsidiary BlueAccess, and obtained ISP license

    ● The IP management system certified by national agency ,and be awarded  "2019 National IP Advantage Enterprise"

  • 2018

    ● Set up Bangladesh subsidiary BlueNet, Indonesia subsidiary GreenNet, and obtained ISP license

    ● Passed the acceptance of the national "863" project

    ● The 10GEPON, GPON and EPON hybrid platform is commercialized

  • 2017

    ● Once again won the national "high-tech enterprise" title

    ● Strategy development, enter the overseas market and form a breakthrough

  • 2016

    ● Exit G.hn high-speed access and home connected products and pass the test

    ● TL9000, OHSAS18001, ISO14001 certification

    ● Won the title of “Gazelle Enterprise” in Donghu Technical Development Zone

  • 2015

    ● Won the title of "Hubei Provincial Certified Enterprise Technology Center"

    ● Approved National High-Tech Research and Development Technology (863 Program) Project

    ● Won Wuhan "Technical Innovation Demonstration Enterprise"

  • 2014

    ● Won the national "high-tech enterprise" title

    ● Won the title of "Hubei Provincial Certified Enterprise Technology Center"

    ● Won the title of "3551 Optical Valley Talent Enterprise"

  • 2013

    ● Won Wuhan "2013 Economic Contribution Enterprise" Award

    ● Network management system achieves unified management of EPON and EOC through access network cluster management protocol

  • 2012

    ● Winning the First EPON Equipment Acquisition for the State Grid

    ● Won the title of “Gazelle Enterprise” in Donghu Technical Development Zone

    ● Approved the National Development and Reform Commission's Next-Generation Internet Technology R&D, Industrialization, and Scale Commercial Projects

  • 2011

    ● Introduces a new generation of carrier-grade high-density EPON OLTs: C8500

    ● Radio and television market more than 20 provinces to achieve EPON, EOC sales

    ● Power EPON obtains scale application and launches EPON power collection products

  • 2010

    ● The company's annual sales revenue exceeds 100 million yuan for the first time

    ● Entered the EOC market, launched a full range of EOC central office and terminal products

    ● Entering the EPON market for electric power and exiting EPON distribution network products

  • 2009

    ● Strategic development, entering the broadcasting and TV market

    ● Continuous exit of new cassette EPON OLT: C1500, C2000

    ● Won the first prize of Hubei Science and Technology Invention Award

  • 2008

    ● Pass China Telecom EPON MDU equipment test

    ● Became one of the first four manufacturers in China that can develop MDU equipment

    ● Winning China Telecom's First EPON Acquisition, Acquisition and Merging into Six Provinces and Municipalities

  • 2007

    ● Introduced the industry's largest capacity OLT C8000 with 48 PON ports

    ● Pass China Telecom's first EPON equipment test to become a Class A manufacturer

    ● Wins the First Million Enterprise Network FTTH Order

  • 2006

    ● On October 9, Wuhan Yangtze Optical Technology Co., Ltd. was established on the basis of the Changfei Optical Network Department by four companies including Changjiang Communication, Hubei Light Source, Changfei, and Feihong Optical Network



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Address: No.88, Youkeyuan Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City   TEl:86-27-87693127    FAX:86-27-87693151   Email:sales@yotc.com.cn

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Address: No.88, CAS Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City   TEl:86-27-87693127    FAX:86-27-87693151   Email:sales@yotc.com.cn

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